
Welcome to I Wear White Pants After Labor Day!

The inspiration behind this website was a conversation, Stacy Pursell had with a co-worker early in her career when her co-worker said, “You Can’t Wear White Pants After Labor Day”! It was only a couple of days after Labor Day and Stacy who lives In Oklahoma where it was still hot after Labor Day, was taken aback by this comment. It got her thinking about it and wondering who made up this rule anyway about not being able to wear white pants after Labor Day?

Stacy was working for one of the largest global executive search firms at the time. Stacy recruited executives for Fortune 500 food and beverage companies and one of her clients was a pet food company who needed to hire a Director of Sales. Stacy found them a Director of Sales and then one of their competitors asked her to find them a veterinarian for a leadership role. Stacy the discovered there was not a single recruiter in the United States who specialized primarily in placing veterinarians. Stacy wanted to carve out a niche to place veterinarians. Her boss at the time said that no one was placing veterinarians and it wasn’t even a niche and that veterinarians were “mom and pop” businesses who did not need an executive recruiter. Stacy went on to discover that a Veterinary Recruiter was needed and that there was an opportunity for her to specialize in this space. Stacy became a trailblazer in the Veterinary profession and went on to build a multi-million-dollar organization. Since then, the Veterinary profession has expanded and there have been tremendous opportunities. Stacy was able to “see around the corner” and realize the need for her to build a Veterinary recruiting company before anyone else saw the possibilities.

When Stacy was thinking about starting her own company there were plenty of naysayers who told her it couldn’t be done. Some of these naysayers said that Stacy would be better off working for a bigger company because that would be a “safer bet”.

Other naysayers told Stacy that she couldn’t build a company and have a family at the same time. Stacy went on to have 5 children while at the same time building a multi-million-dollar corporation.

Stacy discovered that it was possible to be a mother of 5 kids, have a big family and build a successful business. Because Stacy did it, with no prior experiencing doing it, she was motivated to inspire others and build a website where she could share stories about breaking some of the societal rules and overcoming boundaries that can hold people back.

Stacy is writing a book with the title “I Wear White Pants After Labor Day” so check back and we will let you know when Stacy’s books is available to purchase.